service consists of the regular delivery of the specified products
from Brockmann Consult to its customers. Every interested user is
invited to contact Brockmann Consult for further information.
Within the Water Quality service, parameters such as Chlorophyll
Concentration, Concentration of Total suspended Matter, Yellow substance
absorption or turbidity are delivered to the customers. The customers
define in what frequency, in which format and with which additional
preparation he requires the data and information. The products that
are offered within this service are listed and described in our
service portfolio.
The Algal Bloom Service has been successfully started, but will
be upgraded and optimised in the coming period by iterating information
and data with the main customer LANU. This service includes a regional
and systematic coverage, extending to finer temporal and spatial
scales depending on algal bloom occurrence. The provision of various
near-real time EO data products through the existing infrastructure
will allow for value-adding processing aimed at delivering the following
Identification of algal blooms (dependent on user-defined Threshold)
Delineation of Algal blooms
maps are produced once a week showing the identified algal bloom
danger classes and giving information about the area and movement
of the identified algal blooms. Weekly maps are provided regularly.
When algal blooms occur, daily products are delivered in order to
observe the spatial development of the algal bloom patterns. The
actual maps will be directly provided to the end users as well as
will be integrated onto a webpage which will be automatically updated
and will include a description of the algal bloom situation by an
The validation of the products will be undertaken in close cooperation
with the end user. Regular sampling programmes ran by the customers
provide information for Water constituents or algal bloom detection
which will be used for validation of the WAQSS products.
service is specified in the so called Service Level
Agreements - an agreement that describes the products that shall
be delivered and the validation activities that shall be done by
the end users. 